FINAL EXAM - Essay Exampleeration of the position of climate, which can be statistically determined through mean, variation and duration of occurrence, qualifies as a climate change. One of the major discoveries for the cause of climate change concerns the human activity, which produce immoderate greenhouse gas. One of the major producers of such excessive gas is corporation, usually in the field of production. Hence, to rectify this major issue and evacuate their names form the list of greenhouse gas producers, companies started signing Kyoto Treaty, which incline these companies to work towards greenhouse gas reduction, where some firms vowed to reduce this gas by one percent and others were more determined changing the percent to 25 (Hoffman, 2005, pg. 21 & 22). In relation to the mentioned article by Hoffman and other resources, this paper will discuss about the current and possible threats and opportunities fabricated by the climate change for food making companies and suggestions about climate change strategies.

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